Ukraine Pledges Gas Reform At Eu Loan Talks – Reuters

Voice of AmericaUkraine pledges gas reform at EU loan talksReutersBRUSSELS, July 17 (Reuters) – International lenders and the European Union agreed on Friday to intensify talks with Ukraine over possible …FOCUS: EU Readies For Repeat Of Russia-Ukraine Gas CrisisWall Street JournalRussia's EU envoy sees optimism at talks on gas loan to UkraineRIA NovostiTalks on Ukraine gas funds...

Eu To Host Ukraine Gas Loan Meeting On Friday – Reuters India

Turkish Daily NewsEU to host Ukraine gas loan meeting on FridayReuters IndiaBRUSSELS, July 15 (Reuters) – The EU will host a second meeting on Friday involving itself, Ukraine, Russia and international lenders to discuss Kiev's bid …Intervention threatened if Russian gas not restoredCanada.comUkraine postpones signing nuclear fuel deals with Russia: reportXinhuaUkraine says...

Russia Hopes To Keep Naval Base In Ukraine – Reuters India

RIA NovostiRussia hopes to keep naval base in UkraineReuters IndiaBy Denis Dyomkin NOVOROSSIISK, Russia (Reuters) – Russia indicated on Tuesday it hoped to keep Ukraine's city of Sevastopol as the main base for its Black …Russia not to withdraw from naval base in UkraineXinhuaRussia has no plans to abandon naval base in UkraineRIA NovostiRussia has no plan to leave naval base in...

Romanian Tourist Held Hostage In Ukraine – Evenimentul Zilei

Romanian tourist held hostage in UkraineEvenimentul ZileiA Romanian tourist has been held in neighboring Ukraine for the past month and a half after customs workers found a telescopic cane in his car truck and …

Hiv/aids Prevention Program Being Developed In Ukraine –

HIV/AIDS prevention program being developed in UkraineCanada.comWinnipeg's International Centre for Infections Diseases is helping to develop a model HIV/AIDS prevention program in Ukraine, which has one of the world's …HIV/AIDS prevention program being developed in UkraineWinnipeg Free PressTraditional practitioners urged to join fight against HIV/AIDSAngolaPressNYC religious...
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