Moldovan Ngo: Ukraine-russia Spy Scandal Bad Sign For Transdniester – Radiofreeeurope/radioliberty

RadioFreeEurope/RadioLibertyMoldovan NGO: Ukraine-Russia Spy Scandal Bad Sign For TransdniesterRadioFreeEurope/RadioLibertyCHISINAU — A Moldovan NGO says a spy row between Ukraine and Russia shows that Moscow's peacekeepers in Moldova's separatist Transdniester region "have …and more »

Chernobyl: Leaking Radiation And Sucking Up Canadian Money – Globe And Mail

Globe and MailChernobyl: Leaking radiation and sucking up Canadian moneyGlobe and MailIt was meant to be finished in eight years and cost $768-million (US), a symbol of a resurgent Ukraine returning to democratic government and an open …and more »

Ukrainian Leader Stirs Controversy As He Steps Down – Vancouver Sun

Nanaimo Daily NewsUkrainian leader stirs controversy as he steps downVancouver SunBy Peter O'Neil, Europe Correspondent, Canwest News ServiceFebruary 3, 2010 Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko lays flowers at the monument to Stepan …A Terrorist as "Hero of Ukraine"OpEdNewsTime to gather stonesThe Day Weekly Digestall 16 news articles »

Europe Swaps Places With Russia In Timoshenko Versus Yanukovych – Bloomberg

RIA NovostiEurope Swaps Places With Russia in Timoshenko Versus YanukovychBloombergThe EU is looking more attractive to executives from Ukraine's eastern industrial centers of Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk, as well as in Kiev and Lviv farther …Ukraine breaks up alleged Russian spy ringWashington PostUkraine and Russia Trade Spying ChargesNew York TimesEx-Ukraine leader slams...

Ukraine Premier Attacks Poll Law Changes – Financial Times

ReutersUkraine premier attacks poll law changesFinancial TimesBy Roman Olearchyk in Kiev Yulia Tymoshenko, the underdog in Ukraine's presidential election, appealed yesterday for international support to block …Ukraine rivals eye votes of defeated poll candidatesMontreal GazetteUkraine candidate accuses rival of 'swimming in mud'AFPUkraine PM accuses rival of trying to derail...
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