Help Lizochka

Help Lizochka [Show picture list] Liza has been feeling weak for months and would catch a cold very easily. After thorough examinations the doctors determined the reason for Liza’s sudden poor health.  On May 22nd, 2009 Liza Pustelnik was diagnosed with Mucoviscidose (aka Cystic fibrosis, read more  from Wikipedia). Although technically a rare disease, cystic fibrosis is ranked as one of the most widespread...

Merry Christmas, children!

During the Orthodox Christmas holiday 2009 our team visited children of Orphanage # 9 in Odessa. There are 64 kids from age 4 to 14 and among them 14 have AIDS! Current economic crisis in Ukraine makes it difficult for the government to spare necessarry funds for this place, there is a huge food demand there, especially for fruits and vegetables which are so important for growing kids. Ukraine...
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